Sunday, December 26, 2004

Dave's filter

I thought I'd try something a little different today. Back in the day (June 2003), when I started this blog, it was all links. The only commentary was my choice of words to put between the anchor tags. Since then I've drifted to the opposite extreme. Lately I've only been posting when I wanted to say something somewhat original. I think there's a happier medium, and that a "filter" post would be a good way to amalgamate a day's unadorned links. So, here begins my experiment: a list (in no particular order) of links to things to which I don't currently feel I have anything to add (and/or am too busy/lazy to comment/summarize/excerpt), but that I'd still recommend reading.

Dave Barry's year in review
Affirmative action in South Africa
From fetus to baby
Excerpt of In the Red Zone ( 1 2 3 4 5 )


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