Monday, February 28, 2005

Change is in the air

The Lebanese government has just resigned. And get this:
An estimated 50,000 people gathered Monday in Beirut's Martyr Square despite an order a day earlier by Lebanon's Interior Ministry for military forces to "use all necessary means" to make sure the demonstrations did not take place.
I can't be the only one thinking "Kiev again." If there's going to be a crackdown, then the Syrians will have to do it themselves.

Throw in the potentially very good news from Egypt yesterday, and I have to say that things are improving faster than I thought possible.


Blogger Brian Ulrich said...

Each event has its own cause. The death of Yasser Arafat unlocked the Israeli/Palestinian situation. The assassination of Hariri galvanized Lebanon. In Egypt, the Bush administration came out strongly against Nour's detention, and forced Mubarak to retool his means of maintaining power. Unfortunately, things continue to get worse in Jordan and Bahrain.

2/28/2005 2:52 PM  

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